New Voices has teamed up with long-time advocacy partner, Niyel, to co-create an exciting new fellowship opportunity, IMPACT.
The inaugural IMPACT fellowship will launch in Senegal in 2023, opening a unique new avenue to develop a new generation of powerful African development advocates, in order to advance Africa’s own development priorities.
Spearheaded by leading African-led advocacy firm Niyel in consultation with the Aspen Institute’s Global Innovators Group, the fellowship will spotlight 10 advocates, from French speaking and English speaking West African countries, unifying West Africa’s Francophone and Anglophone development priorities and driving new cross-border alliances to tackle common challenges that affect close to half a billion people across the region’s 17 countries. Fellows will be individuals with proven passion for advocacy and solid track records in activities related to improving lives and influencing policy change across the West African region.
The Aspen Global Innovators Group and Niyel both have extensive, proven experience in bringing people together to create positive change and have devoted time to laying the foundation of the West Africa Fellowship. We see this investment as an innovative opportunity to champion large-scale challenges and implement local change with regional and global impact.
The Fellowship model will mirror the communications and advocacy trainings that make up the New Voices Fellowship. All IMPACT West Africa fellows will join the vibrant New Voices Senior Fellows community at the end of their fellowship experience.
Recruitment for the inaugural class is underway. For more information, please email impact@aspeninstitute.org.
“The global health and development community is in dire need of bold new solutions and leaders. It is a privilege to partner with Niyel to champion local experts and innovators who are reimagining and rebuilding communities to ensure that current and future generations thrive.”
Lola Adedokun, Executive Director, the Aspen Global Innovators Group