New Voices Releases 10 Year Impact Report

June 2023 marks the tenth anniversary of the first New Voices Fellowship cohort. Over the past ten years, New Voices has supported 187 Fellows from 47 countries. 

To date, New Voices Fellows have written more than 2,000 Op-Eds, raised more than $48M post-Fellowship for their organizations, and impacted the lives of over 400 million people through development policy. 

New Voices is built on the proposition that when we amplify the voices of experts and advocates representing communities closest to development challenges and strategically support their advocacy goals, we shift power on development decisions and build better, more sustainable solutions.

Over the past ten years, New Voices Fellows have created a community of visionary leaders who are both locally rooted and globally networked. Over the next ten, we will work with them to accelerate the transformation of global development.