Abraham Leno

A former refugee in Guinea, Abraham watched his mother sell her jewelry when there was nothing left to trade just to feed the family. He and his siblings had to sell fuel in bottles on the street corners so that they could have a meal, sometimes making only a dollar a day. He says he …

Meet the Fellow

ElsaMarie D’Silva

ElsaMarie D’Silva is the Founder & Managing Director of Red Dot Foundation (Safecity) which is a platform that crowdsources personal experiences of sexual violence and abuse in public spaces. Since Safecity started in Dec 2012, it has become the largest crowd map on the issue in India, Kenya, Cameroon and Nepal. ElsaMarie is currently a …

Meet the Fellow

Regina Agyare

Regina Agyare is a young, dynamic, social entrepreneur who is finding new ways to harness technology to promote social change in West Africa. Agyare graduated from Ghana’s Ashesi University in 2005 as one of the top software developers in her class with a degree in Computer Science.  After graduation, Regina was hired by a prestigious …

Meet the Fellow

Mohamed Ali

Mohamed Ali fled Somalia’s civil war with his family, part of an exodus of refugees escaping a conflict which left the country in tatters. But after years abroad, Ali has returned to Somalia to found the Iftiin Foundation to incubate social ventures and groundbreaking projects that encourage change and innovation among young Somali leaders. “Entrepreneurship …

Meet the Fellow

Kennedy Odede

Kennedy is one of Africa’s best- known community organizers and social entrepreneurs. For twenty-three years Kennedy lived in the Kibera Slum, the largest slum in Africa, where he experienced the devastating realities of life in extreme poverty first hand. The oldest of eight children, he became a street-child at the age of ten. Still, he …

Meet the Fellow