There should never be another Ibrahim

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. Bisi Alimi, the first open gay rights activist from Lagos Nigeria, tells us the story of his friend Ibrahim – his best friend who died of AIDS in a country ruled by religion and extreme conservatism. His mission is to …

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My story for vaccines

This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. He talks about preventing chronic diseases in developing countries, with a particular focus on diabetes, one of the fastest growing health challenges in Africa. After working as an internist in southern Nigeria, Utibe Effiong was inspired to look at the …

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Flying to the Rescue

British-Nigerian doctor Ola Orekunrin may be only 28, but she's already founded Nigeria's first emergency air ambulance service. From behind the wheel of her car, Ola Orekunrin calls out an apology as she makes a rapid reverse U-turn on a street in the Nigerian city of Lagos. A call just came in for an emergency …

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8 of the Youngest Black College Graduates You Should Know

College is often seen as the beginning of a young person’s path into adulthood, but apparently these eight young black geniuses couldn’t wait. Some of these young college graduates began taking classes before they were legally able to drive. While hitting the books in law, medicine and science, these young graduates have broken records. 5. …

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