Julia Corvalan

Julia Corvalan is an international development practitioner from Paraguay. Having worked in the field since 2007, Julia has expertise in a variety of areas ranging from micro-finance & micro-enterprise development, to entrepreneurial education and financial literacy. In her role as Country Manager of the Tanzania operation of the Fundacion Paraguaya (FP), she led a south-south …

Meet the Fellow

Your Thoughts: What Does It Mean To Be A ‘Feminist’ In Your Country?

n Rwanda, some consider feminism a dirty word, says NPR's Gregory Warner in his Invisibilia podcast. It's shorthand for too aggressive, too liberated, too selfish. Yet women in Rwanda hold 64 percent of the seats in parliament — more than any other country. What he found is that even in a country that seemingly embraces gender equality, there …

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Moms Around The World Teach Their Kids A Lot Of Cool Rules

Don't hit your sister! Veggies are good for you. No, we can't watch Frozen every night. No matter where you live around the globe, moms pretty much teach their children the same lessons. But in honor of Mother's Day, we wanted to track down a few of the world's more distinctive rules and customs. We asked four Aspen …

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Poverty Beyond the Numbers

What is poverty? For decades, we have defined it with a number, which theWorld Bank currently puts at a personal income of less than $1.90 per day. But a single number fails to capture the complexity of poverty. Measuring more than just income is essential to understanding the needs of poor people and delivering optimal assistance. …

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Bill Gates Calls For ‘Energy Miracle’ In 15 Years. Do Experts Agree?

The annual letter from the Gates Foundation calls for an "energy miracle" — the creation of a cheap and clean source of energy to get power to the 1.2 billion people on the planet without electricity. "We need to try lots of crazy-seeming ideas so we can find a few that help us solve the world's energy challenge," Bill Gates …

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