Pandemic accelerated the humanizing of digital technology

By eHealth Network — Dr Shuchin Bajaj, CEO, Founder Director, Ujala Cygnus Hospitals shares his insights on the future roadmap of Health IT in the country. Edited excerpts: Has India’s health care system embarked on a purely digital journey? With the advent of the digital medium in healthcare services, doctors and patients are more connected now …

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ElsaMarie D’Silva

ElsaMarie D’Silva is the Founder & Managing Director of Red Dot Foundation (Safecity) which is a platform that crowdsources personal experiences of sexual violence and abuse in public spaces. Since Safecity started in Dec 2012, it has become the largest crowd map on the issue in India, Kenya, Cameroon and Nepal. ElsaMarie is currently a …

Meet the Fellow

Karan Chopra

Karan grew up in Ghana and is now helping the nation's poorest farmers reap higher profits. GADCO, which he cofounded, is now Ghana's largest producer of rice; the farm loops in 1,000 impoverished local farmers, providing seeds and fertilizer, buying their crops and selling them in a global supply chain. The efficiencies possible in a …

Meet the Fellow

Myshkin Ingawale

Myshkin co-founded Biosense, an internationally recognized med-tech company designing and building innovative, disruptive healthcare technologies. Notably, ToucHb, a needle-free blood hemoglobin testing device, and uChek, a mobile phone app and accessory that converts the smartphone into a medical-grade lab machine equivalent. He holds a PhD in Management Information Systems from the Indian Institute of Management, …

Meet the Fellow