Mohamed Ali

Mohamed Ali fled Somalia’s civil war with his family, part of an exodus of refugees escaping a conflict which left the country in tatters. But after years abroad, Ali has returned to Somalia to found the Iftiin Foundation to incubate social ventures and groundbreaking projects that encourage change and innovation among young Somali leaders. “Entrepreneurship …

Meet the Fellow

A tale of two droughts: one killed 260,000 people, the other none. Why?

Drought is a slow and predictable natural disaster. We know it will happen again, and we know much of its effects are preventable if money is invested at the right time. So why do we wait for people to die from hunger induced by droughts before we start calling for emergency relief money? The UN recently launched …

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The investor helping Somali businesses

Earlier this year Mohamed Ali was reminded once again of the dangers of living and working in the Somali capital, Mogadishu. Islamist militants attacked the presidential compound on 22 February, when his father was praying inside its mosque. Mr Ali’s dad escaped injury, but nine others were killed. "It was a very emotional moment," says …

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