Bridging the rural healthcare gap

The healthcare-delivery scene in rural developing world is unimaginable sitting in the big cities. Most of the people go to a ‘person who is not a doctor,’ when they are sick. They go to the trusted pharmacy owner around the corner, as often the nearest healthcare facility is miles away. Rubayat Khan, a Bangladeshi entrepreneur …

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2016 Undaunted Storytelling Event

With the end of polio realistically on the horizon, it’s not naive to ask what other “finish lines” might we dare to reach in the next few decades? Global health and development often feels like a game of two steps forward, three steps back – but on the ground there is real progress. Join the …

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Banishing Hunger: Inventive Strategies to Feed the World

One in nine people on Earth does not get enough food to lead a healthy, active life. Entrepreneurs, policymakers, and agricultural trendsetters are tackling hunger in new ways, engaging both the largest and smallest members of the food production chain. Framing the issue not only as a moral imperative, but also as a business opportunity, …

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Planetary Health: The Interdependence of Human and Natural Systems

It is no longer possible to separate the health of the planet from the health of its people. Disease patterns are changing as the climate does, and human health is at risk from loss of biodiversity, depleted water supplies, environmental toxins, and collapsing food systems. As the Rockefeller Foundation-Lancet Commission on Planetary Health states: “The …

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Girls, Unleashed

The idea that investing in girls is the single most effective investment available to spur economic development and end global poverty has become a widely popular notion. And yet, what does investing in girls actually look like on the ground? What have we learned as of late about which kinds of investments for which kinds …

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