Why Didn’t The World Say ‘We Are All Kenyans’ Last April?

When you search for #ParisAttacks, you get nearly 2.2 million results on Google.

When you search for #KenyaAttacks, you get about 300.

The Parisian response is a reaction to the terrorist attacks last Friday, which took 129 lives and injured far more. People around the world have expressed solidarity. Facebook users are coloring their profile photos with the red-white-and-blue French flag, and the hashtags #PrayforParis, #WeAreAllParisians and #ParisAttacks are trending on Twitter.

But Kenya has suffered two terrorist attacks of similar scale. In the 2013 attack on Westgate Mall in Nairobi, 67 died. The attack on Garrissa University College in eastern Kenya on April 2 killed 147.

When those attacks happened, the world wasn't silent — people spoke up using #KenyaAttacks and #GarissaAttacks. But the response wasn't nearly as strong.

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