Rasha Jarhum

Rasha Jarhum is a South Yemeni. Jarhum is co-founder and Director of the Peace Track Initiative, hosted at the Human Rights Research and Education Centre, at Ottawa University. Through the Peace Track Initiative work, Jarhum has been supporting inclusion of women in the peace process, including by sending women’s independent delegations to UN led and …

Meet the Fellow

The humanitarian response in Yemen isn’t working

Even in the midst of a brutal war, my people are resilient and creative. They organized an award ceremony for a donkey who carried lifesaving aid to besieged areas. They salvaged discarded soiled banknotes just to survive the economic collapse. They have kept their sense of humor. For instance, when, after months of delay, government …

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A Yemeni Mother’s Plea: Don’t Forget Our Children

When I was 5 years old, I experienced war for the very first time. It was 1986 in Aden, South Yemen, and political rivalries turned into violent conflict. One day, the house where my mom, sister and I were staying was badly damaged after a rocket hit a nearby military vehicle. I remember looking at what …

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Yemen’s only hope for lasting peace

Three rounds of peace talks have so far failed to bring an end to the devastating conflict in Yemen. While the violence continues, consuming the lives of innocent people with catastrophic humanitarian consequences, the UN Envoy is struggling to revive the talks after a two-week pause. Throughout all of this, there is a missing force …

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Girls, Unleashed

The idea that investing in girls is the single most effective investment available to spur economic development and end global poverty has become a widely popular notion. And yet, what does investing in girls actually look like on the ground? What have we learned as of late about which kinds of investments for which kinds …

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