Michigan researcher says Ebola needs high attention in US
He is from Africa, so he knows very well what can happen without the right measures in place. video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Watch The Video >
He is from Africa, so he knows very well what can happen without the right measures in place. video platformvideo managementvideo solutionsvideo player Watch The Video >
This talk was given at a local TEDx event, produced independently of the TED Conferences. He talks about preventing chronic diseases in developing countries, with a particular focus on diabetes, one of the fastest growing health challenges in Africa. After working as an internist in southern Nigeria, Utibe Effiong was inspired to look at the …
VIDEO FROM THIS TEDx EVENT WILL BE AVAILABLE SOON The world is moving, whether we like it or not. As individuals we have the choice to significantly change the world’s course through our decisions and the steps that we take. TEDx stands for ideas that inspire innovation and progress. Sep 4, 2014 – Germany, Nigeria, …
Es ist eine deutliche Anklage. Während der Ebola-Ausbruch in West-Afrika die Welt besorgt, bezeichnet Dr. Utibe Effiong, einer der Sprecher auf der TEDx-Konferenz am 6. September in Berlin, die Epedemie als "das größte Versagen der globalen Gesundheitspolitik aller Zeiten". Dr. Effiong erklärt, dass „Ebola immer nur als afrikanische Krankheit gesehen wurde, als Krankheit des Busches.“ …
The Ebola epidemic sweeping through West Africa is causing understandable panic in local communities and international concern about the future spread of this killer virus. Yet there’s another disease which has been more deadly this year. One that nearly cost me my medical career, and which – unlike Ebola – can be easily prevented. "This …